
4046 results

Canterbury Youth Quake Consultation (2010)

This report provides an analysis of the findings from a survey and forum with young people in response to the Canterbury earthquake.  The report is intended…

Issues Paper 03: Economic Wellbeing of Sole-parent Families

This Families Commission report provides a snapshot of the economic situations of all sole-parent families, based on 2006 Census statistics. Sole-parent families are defined as families where there…

Issues Paper 04: Paid Parental Leave

The Families Commission released a research report and recommendations for improving paid parental leave in 2007 (Families Commission, 2007). Events since that time – particularly the…

Report of the South Island Neurosurgery Expert Panel

This report presents to the Director-General of Health recommendations which ‘identify the development pathway that would best meet the requirement for a sustainable, high quality neurosurgical…