Issues Paper 03: Economic Wellbeing of Sole-parent Families

Issues Paper 03: Economic Wellbeing of Sole-parent…
01 Nov 2010

This Families Commission report provides a snapshot of the economic situations of all sole-parent families, based on 2006 Census statistics. Sole-parent families are defined as families where there is one parent without a partner who is caring for one or more dependent children. A dependent child is aged less than 18 years and is not in full-time employment. Sole-parent families may also have other adult children, and may share their household with other people.

This paper highlights the key points to consider regarding the economic situation for all sole-parent families, and suggests areas where further research or information is needed. It is hoped that this paper will provide information and encourage discussion among family advocates, communities, businesses and policymakers on how best to improve the economic wellbeing of sole-parent families in New Zealand.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018