
2586 results

New Zealand Police Workplace Survey results 2014

Over the past few years the NZ Police Workplace Survey has helped provide valuable insight into the climate of our organisation. It has provided a focus…

Managed Care Education

This report examines the availability, suitability and potential of courses and qualifications to build skills in case management and care coordination. It is a review for…

Annual Report on Drinking-water Quality 2012–2013

This report describes the microbiological and chemical quality of water in New Zealand drinking-water supplies serving populations of more than 100 people, and progress towards meeting…

Et Tū Ake! Stand tall and proud

This paper looks at improving the economic independence of women with low or no qualifications; women who are not in education, training or employment; and Māori and Pacific…

Privacy survey 2014

The Individual Privacy & Personal Information poll was a telephone survey by UMR of 750 New Zealanders 18 years of age and older, conducted from 22…

Ngā Haeata Mātauranga: Annual Report on Māori Education

This report published annually provides an overview of Māori education, from early childhood to the tertiary sector. It includes initiatives specifically directed to Māori. Statistical analysis…