Implementation and Formative Evaluation of the Rheumatic Fever Prevention Programme

Implementation and Formative Evaluation of the Rhe…
03 Mar 2014
Implementation and Formative Evaluation of the Rhe…
03 Mar 2014
This report provides an evidence-based overview of the implementation and delivery of the Rheumatic Fever Prevention Programme (RFPP) during its first 18 months, (July 2011 to December 2012). It also recommends options to enhance the future implementation of the programme.


Litmus was commissioned by the Ministry of Health (‘the Ministry’) to undertake an implementation and formative evaluation of the first 18 months of the RFPP from 1 July 2011 to 31 December 2012. The key aims of the evaluation were to provide an overview of how the RFPP is being been implemented,and recommendations to enhance implementation.


The evaluation used a mixed-methods approach including: literature and documentation review; key informant and RFPP provider interviews; review of monitoring data; case studies of four RFPP sites (Whāngarei, South Auckland, Rotorua and Porirua); 12 focus groups with parents/caregivers; and a school intercept survey of 407 parents/caregivers. These data sources were analysed collectively to address the evaluation aims and objectives.

As this is a formative and implementation evaluation, it is acknowledged that the plans and activities of the Ministry, RFPP providers and other agencies have evolved and progressed since the fieldwork period and the completion of this report.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018