
4046 results

Employment in the cultural sector 2009

Data on cultural employment first appeared as part of a wide-ranging report on cultural statistics in 1995. For the first time, information on the size, structure…

Effective Occupational Health Interventions in Agriculture

The Effective Occupational Health Interventions in Agriculture: key characteristics of their development and implementation in New Zealand project sought to update the knowledge base on injury…

Analysis of Council Organisations

There are 85 local authorities in New Zealand that provide services to their communities. The majority of services are provided within the ‘core’ council structure. However, NZ…

Survey of Special Education resourcing

In 2007/08 an independent survey was undertaken to inform the Government about the level of special education resources received by schools and the allocation of special…

Health of Māori language

These reports provides an overview of the health of the Māori language in 2006, and makes some comparisons with the health of the Māori language in…

Ngā Wawata o Ngā Whānau Wharekura

This report is the outcome of a research project undertaken in response to widespread concerns about the educational programmes currently offered in many Māori medium secondary…

Youth Participation Case Studies DVD

The Youth Participation Videos DVD profiles youth participation projects from around New Zealand that have been supported by the Ministry of Youth Development (MYD). The Ministry is…