
32 results

Safety of Children in Care

In order to improve the safety of children and young people in care, insight into the extent of harm, how this manifests, and the nature of…

Social Workers in Schools

This evaluation provides new insights into the Social Workers in Schools (SWiS) initiative. Social workers in Schools (SWiS) is a government-funded, community social work service provided in…

Teen Births in New Zealand

Policymakers in New Zealand have been concerned by the teenage birth rate for many years. Cross-country comparisons indicate that New Zealand has a higher rate of…

Evaluation of Teen Parent Units 2013

This report documents the findings of ERO's 2013 evaluation of Teen Parent Units. ERO found that most of the Units were operating well.

Et Tū Ake! Stand tall and proud

This paper looks at improving the economic independence of women with low or no qualifications; women who are not in education, training or employment; and Māori and Pacific…

Comparative Study of Maternity Systems

This Report provides an overview of maternity systems and maternity outcomes for mothers and babies in New Zealand and six comparator countries.

Metro-Auckland Pacific Population Health Profile

This report presents information on Pacific health for the metro-Auckland Pacific population. Population health data is the most frequently used tool for decision making and developing…

Maternity Consumer Survey 2011

The Maternity Consumer Survey aims to assess women’s perceptions of maternity services. Previous surveys were carried out in 1999, 2002 and 2007. In 2011, for the…

Snapshot series

This snapshot series takes a look at some of the Families Commission main research topics. Each snapshot provides a brief bibliography and covers the commission's position. Topics include:…