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Whānau Ora Achievements Report

In July 2014 the then Minister of Whānau Ora, Minister Turia presented this Whānau Ora Achievements Report in the House. The report summarises the achievements of…

Patient Experience Survey – Adult Inpatients - Evaluation – Proof of concept work stream

The purpose of this evaluation is to review how the Proof of concept work stream performed against the key milestones and tasks, capture stakeholders’ experience of…

Partners in Care programme review report

The Partners in Care programme was developed by the New Zealand Health Quality & Safety Commission (HQSC) to support healthcare organisations in delivering its aim to…

An Evaluation of the Reorientation of Child and Adolescent Oral Health Services

Over the last eight years the Government has made a significant reinvestment in child and adolescent oral health services to create the Community Oral Health Service…

Identifying Preferences for Booked DOC Facilities in New Zealand

The overall objective of this project was to identify how the Department of Conservation (the Department, DOC) can best meet the needs of current and potential…

International Capabilities: A summary report for schools

This  a summary report for schools, drawn from research and analysis by the Ministry of Education and an explorative study completed by the New Zealand Council…

TELA Laptops Scheme School Survey 2013

This report outlines the results of the TELA Laptops Scheme School Survey for 2013.  This survey was conducted in order to determine whether the current products…

Measuring New Zealand students' international capabilities: An exploratory study

This exploratory study considers the feasibility of measuring New Zealand senior secondary (Years 12/13) students' "international capabilities". Building on background work undertaken by the Ministry's International…

Health Literacy and the Prevention and Management of Skin Infections

Health literacy refers to the degree to which people are able to access and understand essential health information in order to make informed and appropriate health…

Increasing Violence Intervention Programme (VIP) Programmes’ Responsiveness to Māori: A whānau-centred approach for the VIP programme

The VIP programme supports DHBs to develop policies, health professional training and clinical leadership to improve the identification assessment and referral of people experiencing family violence.…