
776 results

The CERA Wellbeing Survey

The CERA Wellbeing Survey is an opportunity for residents of greater Christchurch to say how they're going and what they think about the earthquake recovery. It's…

What is a Managed Apprenticeship?

This paper describes an investigation into apprenticeship-type training programmes offered by tertiary education institutions. Most people who qualify for a trade do so via the industry training…

Wider Economic Costs of Obesity to New Zealand

This report highlights the impact obesity has on our economic, social, cultural and environmental well-being. At an individual and family level it can affect our income…

KiwiSaver evaluation

The kiwiSaver Evaluation series is part of the programme of reporting, agreed to by Ministers at the outset of the evaluation, which is intended to provide…

Teen Births in New Zealand

Policymakers in New Zealand have been concerned by the teenage birth rate for many years. Cross-country comparisons indicate that New Zealand has a higher rate of…