
89 results

New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators 2011

The New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators are the result of collaboration between the Ministry of Health and maternity stakeholders, representing consumer, midwifery, obstetric, general practice, paediatric…

Fetal and Infant Deaths 2008 and 2009

The purpose of the Fetal and Infant Deaths publication series is to inform discussion and assist future policy development. Readership of this publication is wide-ranging, and…

Report on Maternity, 2010

Report on Maternity, 2010 summarises the maternal and newborn information stored in the National Maternity Collection. This collection uses two administrative sources of data: hospital discharge…

New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators 2010

The New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators are the result of a collaborative process involving the Ministry of Health and maternity stakeholders, representing consumer, midwifery, obstetric, general…

Maternity Consumer Survey 2011

The Maternity Consumer Survey aims to assess women’s perceptions of maternity services. Previous surveys were carried out in 1999, 2002 and 2007. In 2011, for the…

Overview of Māori teen pregnancy

This review is a part of a broader research project being undertaken by the Families Commission in relation to teenage pregnancy and ‘repeat’ teenage pregnancy. The…

Regional Trends in Teenage Parenthood

The Families Commission is undertaking research to explore the following questions: What are the reasons behind high rates of parenthood amongst young teenagers in specific regions of…

Evaluation of Teen Parent Units 2011

This evaluation reports on the quality of education in the 18 Teen Parent Units (TPUs) that ERO reviewed in Term 2, 2010. The reviews focused on…