
2541 results

Fact sheet series

This fact sheet series provides information on Social Investment Agency's key work areas. Topics include: What is social investment?, Data Exchange, Commissioning platform, Place-Based Initiatives and many…

Youth Skills: Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC)

This is part of a series of in-depth reports from the Survey of Adult Skills. This report covers key findings on how New Zealand youth (aged…

Living Standards Research

The Living Standards research is an ongoing research programme that aims to develop a comprehensive description of the living standards of New Zealanders using non-income measures…

Enhancing evidence-informed policy making

This report reviews the state of New Zealand's science advisory ecosystem, identifying where progressive improvements could still be made.

Making Tax Simpler | Better Administration of Social Policy

This discussion document explores some proposals for improving the way social policy entitlements and obligations are administered by Inland Revenue. These entitlement and obligation payments are: Working…