
877 results

Metro-Auckland Pacific Population Health Profile

This report presents information on Pacific health for the metro-Auckland Pacific population. Population health data is the most frequently used tool for decision making and developing…

Local government: Results of the 2011/12 audits

The 2011/12 year was a demanding one for local authorities. They had to prepare three-yearly long-term plans for 2012-22 and then swiftly complete the 2011/12 annual…

Audience Research: Delayers of Infant Immunisation

In November 2011, the new immunisation health target seeking to improve immunisation timeliness of young infants was introduced. The target is 95 percent of all eight-month-olds…

Mental Health and Addiction: Service use 2009/10

This publication provides information on the care (service) provided between July 2009 and June 2010 (2009/10) by district health boards and non-government organisations to people with…