
546 results

Māori Housing Trends 2010

This report examines four key areas: housing supply; assistance and affordability, home ownership, and rental tenure. It begins with an overview of key Māori population dynamics.…

2010 Māori Housing Trends report

The purpose of this report is to provide an evidence base to inform the development of Māori housing policy. This report provides an overview of Māori…

Working for Families Evaluation

The Working for Families Evaluation has been jointly conducted by the Ministry of Social Development and Inland Revenue Department. It aimed to assess: The implementation and delivery…

Social and Economic Indicators of Education

This report uses data from the 2008 New Zealand General Social Survey to explore how a range of 30 social and economic indicators vary with education. It…

Māori and the Out of School Services Sector

This research looks at how the out of school service sector is working for Māori and to explore what is important to them in accessing out…

Identifying emerging industries (2010)

A report on identifying emerging industries, prepared by AUT University for the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, June 2010.