
594 results

Public opinion about tobacco plain packaging: In Fact

In February 2013, the New Zealand Government announced that it agreed ‘in principle’ to introduce a plain packaging regime in alignment with Australia. Prior to the announcement…

Public opinion on removing tobacco displays: In Fact

The Smoke-free Environments (Controls and Enforcement) Amendment Act 2011 (the Amendment Act) amended the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 to prohibit the display of tobacco products at…

Tracking Whānau Ora Outcomes July – December 2013

The Tracking Whānau Ora Outcomes July – December 2013 report reviews results from action research and Whānau Ora Provider Collective reports from June – December 2013. The…

Young people’s perceived access to tobacco: In Fact

Access to tobacco is recognised as one of the environmental risk factors for young people taking up smoking.  Participants in the Health Promotion Agency’s (HPA’s) Youth Insights…

New Zealanders’ Participation in Gambling

HPA's Health and Lifestyles Survey 2012 (HLS) is a nationally representative in-home survey monitoring health behaviours and attitudes of New Zealand residents aged 15 years and…