
4046 results

State Sector Productivity - Related Reports

These related reports informed the New Zealand Productivity Commission's inquiry Measuring and improving state sector productivity. The reports cover: interviews with both current senior members of the…

Understanding student progress and achievement

This research provides the first insights into student progress and achievement of a cohort of New Zealand students in primary schooling over a 5 year period.…

Teaching strategies that work - Reading

The Education Review Office (ERO) has released the latest in its Teaching Strategies that Work series. “Keeping children engaged and achieving in reading” is a description of strategies used by…

Privacy Survey 2018

The Privacy Concerns and Sharing Data survey was commissioned by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and conducted by UMR Research and is carried out every…

What Drives Learning in the Senior Secondary School?

This report studies effective practice in schools’ senior curriculum and contributes to the review of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA). The Education Review Office…

Case study: The Education matters to me series

The ‘Education matters to me’ reports share the views of tamariki and rangatahi, children and young people, about their experiences in the education system. The project…