
628 results

In Focus: Families with complex needs: International approaches

Supporting families with complex needs often requires funding and delivery arrangements that differ from standard social services. A continuum of interventions, including individual, targeted approaches alongside…

Co-design programme evaluation 2014–15

Evaluation of the Health Quality & Safety Commission's Partners in Care 2014–15 co-design programme, including a summary version and full evaluation report.

Women at work: 1991–2013

Women at work: 1991–2013 uses census data from the 20 years to 2013 to look at trends in occupational segregation between women and men. The report…

Inquiry Report: Health Benefits Limited

In November 2014, Hon Annette King asked me to look into the performance of Health Benefits Limited (HBL), the decision to wind the entity down, what HBL…

New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators 2013

The New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators are a tool for maternity service providers to assess the quality and national consistency in the delivery of maternity services…