
207 results

Teen Births in New Zealand

Policymakers in New Zealand have been concerned by the teenage birth rate for many years. Cross-country comparisons indicate that New Zealand has a higher rate of…

Evaluation of Te Kotahitanga Phase 5

This report analyses the impact of Te Kotahitanga Phase 5 on Māori student achievement and wellbeing and explores the design and implementation features that enabled such…

Evaluation of the Sorted Workplace Pilot

Financial literacy, is defined by the Commission for Financial Literacy and Retirement Income (CFLRI) as "the ability to make informed judgements and effective decisions regarding the…

Enabling Good Lives progress and evaluation reports

This report details the findings from an initial evaluation of the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) Demonstration in Christchurch. EGL is a new approach to supporting disabled people…

2014 Rheumatic fever campaign evaluation

In winter 2014, HPA and the Ministry of Health implemented a mass media campaign aimed at increasing awareness among parents and caregivers of at-risk children and…