Evaluating the Progress of Embedded Literacy and Numeracy in Industry Training Organisations

Evaluating the Progress of Embedded Literacy and N…
30 Sept 2014

The decision to embed literacy and numeracy in industry training was based on international research on the advantages of providing learners with a more holistic experience in developing literacy and numeracy skills alongside development of vocational skills. Embedding was adopted as a deliberate policy approach in Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) from the mid-2000s.

A formative evaluation of the ITO embedded literacy and numeracy projects was conducted between 2009 and 2011. The evaluation found that while ITOs had completed the funded projects there was still considerable work to be done before embedded literacy and numeracy could be considered business as usual. It was identified that as this was a major educational change project it would take time to be fully implemented, (Heathrose Research, 2012).


This evaluation aimed to find out about:

1. The approaches, processes and practices ITOs are using for embedding literacy and numeracy at organisational, qualification and learner level and how these have changed over time.

2. Whether some of these approaches, processes and practices are more effective than others and the factors or variables that explain this relative effectiveness.

3. The educational outcomes for trainees undertaking courses of study through qualifications with embedding.

4. The extent to which ITO embedded literacy and numeracy practices emergent, partial or mature as described in the ELN practices table?

5. The barriers and enablers to the successful embedding of literacy and numeracy into industry training.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018