The Pilot Outcome-Based Investment In Natural Ecosystems Research: An Independent Evaluation

The Pilot Outcome-Based Investment In Natural Ecos…
28 Jul 2005

This independent evaluation of the “Outcome-based Investment” (OBI) pilot for funding of natural ecosystems research was commissioned by the Foundation for Research, Science & Technology (FRST) on behalf of its Minister.

The evaluation has involved considerable analysis and extensive consultations with research bidders, end-users and other stakeholders. It has examined both the design and implementation of the OBI model against various objectives and expectations, as detailed below.

Based on these analyses and consultations, the Independent Evaluator has drawn together a number of recommendations on how the OBI model might be improved and considers how/where the improved model might be applied in the future. Finally, the report presents suggestions for how PGST funding might be further adapted to meet better the aims and objectives of the Government and the Foundation.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018