The National Depression Initiative (NDI) is a national project to raise awareness of depression, to aid early recognition, appropriate treatment and recovery. It is part of the Government’s commitment to addressing suicide prevention, as well as improving the mental health and wellbeing of all New Zealanders.
This review forms part of the planning work of the National Depression Initiative. The planning phase, to be completed in September 2005, involves two components:
• Designing and implementing a depression survey (future repeats will monitor changes in the public’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviour around depression)
• A scoping project to look at what has worked overseas; best approaches; target audiences; costs; timing; and workforce issues. This includes a literature review, environmental scan/ stakeholder consultation, and costings for various modules or programmes to make up a multi-pronged NDI.
The purpose of the review is to inform the planning of a NDI for NZ by drawing on the learning from other depression campaigns and health promotion activities, both in NZ and overseas.
The purpose of the review is to inform the planning of a NDI for NZ by drawing on the learning from other depression campaigns and health promotion activities, both in NZ and overseas.