Locality-based Evaluation of Pathways to the Future - Ngā Huarahi Arataki:  Stage 1 Report

Locality-based Evaluation of Pathways to the Futur…
01 Aug 2008
Locality-based Evaluation of Pathways to the Futur…
01 Aug 2008

This report is from the first phase of the locality-based longitudinal evaluation of Pathways to the Future - Ngā Huarahi Arataki, the strategic plan for ECE. This evaluation provides a baseline picture of how things were in mid-2004 in relation to the participation, quality, and collaborative relationship goals of Pathways to the Future - Ngā Huarahi Arataki and before the major ECE strategic plan policy changes began, and of changes that occurred in services and for parents in the eight localities in the study between 2004 and 2006 as strategic actions got underway. The evaluation complements the evaluation of financial sustainability of ECE services 2004–2006, using the same sample of ECE localities and services, undertaken by Health Outcomes International (HOI) (King, 2008).

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018