Evaluation of the Youth Horizons Trust SCD Bridging Programme Report

Evaluation of the Youth Horizons Trust SCD Bridgin…
01 Feb 2005
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Evaluation of the Youth Horizons Trust SCD Bridgin…
01 Feb 2005
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Evaluation of the Youth Horizons Trust SCD Bridgin…
01 Feb 2005
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This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the process, outcomes and economic components of the Bridging Programme delivered by the Youth Horizons Trust. The Bridging Programme is a residentially based therapeutic programme for young people aged 11 - 15 years who are diagnosed as suffering Severe Conduct Disorder. Overall, the findings are positive, with the Bridging Programme providing effective service delivery to a group of young people whom multiple other interventions have failed to keep safe and manage.


The evaluation was designed to provide an evidence base for policy development and programme funding by:

  • establishing the quality of the Bridging Programme
  • assessing the extent to which the Bridging Programme is achieving positive outcomes for the young people participating in it.

Key Results

The Bridging Programme is providing effective service delivery to a group of young people whom multiple other interventions have failed to keep safe and manage.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018