He Waka Tapu Violence and Abuse Intervention Programme and Caseworker Programme Outcome Evaluation - 2007

He Waka Tapu Violence and Abuse Intervention Progr…
01 Sept 2007

He Waka Tapu Trust is a Maori health and social services organisation operating in the region of Ngāi Tahu ki autahi (Christchurch) in the South Island. He Waka Tapu was established to provide a Kaupapa Māori service for Māori men and their whānau experiencing domestic violence. This report is the final evaluation of the two Community Youth Programmes provided by He Waka Tapu Trust i.e. the Violence and Abuse Intervention Programme and the Wraparound Caseworker Programme.

In 2002 He Waka Tapu (HWT) Violence and Abuse Intervention programme and the HWT Wraparound programme, based in Christchurch, were two of 14 community youth programmes selected nationally to reduce youth offending. The programmes collectively received $298,500 over three years. This outcome evaluation considers the effectiveness of the two HWT programmes. 

Key Results

The evaluation of HWT Violence and Abuse Intervention programme found:

• most rangatahi were on the programme for five months, rather than the expected 12 months.

• there were indications of progress towards improved life outcomes, with rangatahi reintegrated into the school system, courses, sport and cultural groups.

• there was regular contact with stakeholders and a coordinated approach when working with other Mäori providers.

• rangatahi had increased their offending once exiting the programme although it was difficult to determine the long term effects of the programme on their offending behaviour.

The evaluation of HWT Wraparound programme found:

• indicators of progress towards improved life outcomes included reintegration into the education system, access to health services, better relations with whānau, development of leadership skills, and reduced drug use.

• caseworkers accessed Correspondence School and Alternative Education for some rangatahi not able to attend mainstream school.

• stakeholders had weekly contact with HWT staff, developing a collegial approach to working with rangatahi in the community.

• it was not possible to demonstrate a reduction in offending and seriousness of offending in the short time rangatahi were on the programme.

A strength of the programmes were the access they had to other resources within HWT, and the provision of culturally focused events for rangatahi and whänau. Staff had comprehensive support networks, external supervision, access to kaumätua, and professional development. However, there is opportunity for improved targeting of rangatahi through increased information sharing between local agencies. There is also room to improve contact with whänau, and to keep more comprehensive monitoring data and detailed case plans.

The evaluation indicated that Police and Ministry of Justice need to consider the ongoing management and financial oversight of the programmes; they need to be clear about contractual agreements; and work with Police at a local level to increase the awareness of the programmes. 

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018