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277 results

Working together to protect children in cases of neglect: Complexity and the four ‘Cs’

Social Work Now, Issue 48, pages 10-17. Child neglect is one of the most insidious and damaging forms of maltreatment, having serious long-term consequences on the…

Northland Youth Voices Consultation Report

The “Northland Youth Voices” project was commissioned by the Northland Intersectoral Forum (NIF) to provide information that would help it deliver on its strategic priority of…

Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori: Te Reo Research Project

The purpose of this research project was to gather information to help inform a review and refinement of the draft Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori: Te Reo,…

Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori: Pāngarau Research Project

In this research project undertaken by the University of Waikato three schools were selected as case studies to provide information about professional development they were involved…

Recovery meanings and measures: A scan of the literature

Following the Mental Health Commission’s Statement of Intent 2009-2012 a “DHB Recovery Report Card‟ was to be developed. This report is a literature review as part…

Early Intervention Support and Vulnerable Families and Whānau

This paper reports on the Families Commission’s work on early intervention with a focus on early intervention and support for vulnerable families and whānau. Families and…

Victory Village Forum: An Overview

More than 250 delegates attended a Victory Village Forum in Nelson, July 27–29, 2011. The forum aimed to showcase the Victory Community — ‘Kiwibank New Zealand…

A Focus on Nutrition: Key findings from the 2008/09 NZ Adult Nutrition Survey

The 2008/09 New Zealand Adult Nutrition Survey was carried out from October 2008 to October 2009. A total of 4721 adults aged 15+ years participated, including…

Health Indicators for New Zealanders with Intellectual Disability

This report presents a selection of health status and health care utilisation indicators for New Zealanders with and without intellectual disability.The indicators have been developed using…

Māori: Demographics for Economic Return

Te Puni Kōkiri commissioned research to help create an evidence base on the impacts of demographic trends and their implications for Māori economic futures. The report…