184 results
Last Publication Date: 1 Jan 2005
This is a stock-take of 100 of New Zealand’s largest employers, identifying the frequency and quality of workplace reporting practices in their annual reports around 2004.…
This paper provides some information on Māori students in early childhood services and schools. It has been prepared at the request of the Hui Taumata Steering…
The progress of the Digitally Boosted Study Support Centre Pilot, one of the four Digital Opportunities projects, is reported for the period January 2002 to December…
This review looks at different models, methods and best practice for intervening with refugee children in New Zealand schools. It examines the literature on refugee trauma,…
FarNet is one of four Digital Opportunities Pilot Projects that aimed to “bridge the digital divide” by introducing information and communications technology (ICT) into various educational…
This research, carried out by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) in 2004, looks at the hours worked, the kinds of work performed and the…
This report (the fourth in a series) presents some statistics on the possible effects of the Sale of Liquor Amendment Act 1999, and focuses on the…
Youth transition services aim to assist young people to make the transition from school into further education, training or employment. This report presents key development and…
This report explores the determinants of Māori infants, children and young people using a range of routinely collected data sources. This report is available under third-party content…
Kaupapa Ara Whakawhiti Mätauranga (KAWM) encompassed a number of school improvement initiatives and aimed to: improve student achievement; improve school performance; strengthen school and community relationships;…