
2323 results

Regional Trends in Teenage Parenthood

The Families Commission is undertaking research to explore the following questions: What are the reasons behind high rates of parenthood amongst young teenagers in specific regions of…

Teenage Pregnancy and Parenting: An Overview

This overview report responds to a Ministerial request that the Families Commission undertake research on two distinct questions: What are the reasons behind high rates of teenage…

Setting Cost Effectiveness in Context

Assessing the cost-effectiveness of a policy intervention involves comparing its costs and the value of its outcomes relative to some alternative policy (which might include doing…

Housing Options and Advice Evaluation

This report is an evaluation of Housing New Zealand Corporation’s (Housing New Zealand) Options and Advice service (Options and Advice) that was in place from June…

Specifically Pacific: Engaging Young Pacific Workers

This research was prompted by a commitment to exploring how to enhance the engagement of younger workers, particularly young Pacific people. Employee engagement is the extent…