
1430 results

2017 Gambling Sector Survey – Summary of findings

The Department of Internal Affairs conducts an annual survey of class 4 gambling stakeholders to measure how the strategic direction and work as the gambling regulator…

State Sector Productivity - Related Reports

These related reports informed the New Zealand Productivity Commission's inquiry Measuring and improving state sector productivity. The reports cover: interviews with both current senior members of the…

Youth Justice Indicators

This report provides insight into the performance of various aspects of the youth justice system. It aims to help those involved in youth justice understand system-wide…

The Disability Respite Market

This paper provides information about disability respite support and services. It’s intended to help current and prospective providers of respite services to better understand the characteristics…

Getting It Right: Building Blocks

This report looks at how the New Zealand Government can build the foundations for implementing the Children's Convention in Aotearoa.  The children's convention refers to the United…