
1225 results

Effective Occupational Health Interventions in Agriculture

The Effective Occupational Health Interventions in Agriculture: key characteristics of their development and implementation in New Zealand project sought to update the knowledge base on injury…

Arts for all 2009

Published in partnership with Arts Access Aoteroa, this is a practical guide to help artists and arts organisations become more accessible, build new audiences and market…

The changing face of Fruit in Schools

Healthy Futures is the evaluation of the Ministry of Health’s Fruit in Schools (FiS) initiative. This evaluation was conducted by the New Zealand Council for Educational…

Serious and Sentinel Events in New Zealand Hospitals

The purpose of recording and investigating preventable adverse events in hospitals is to understand why these events occurred, which then provides a basis for taking action…

Measuring the impact of Smoking Not Our Future

This report presents the results of a survey conducted to evaluate Smoking Not Our Future. The aim of this survey (conducted in June and July 2008) was…

National Health Emergency Plan

The National Health Emergency Plan: outlines the structure of emergency management in New Zealand and how the health and disability sector fits within it, and provides a…