
842 results

Whanau Development Project: Final Evaluation Report

The Whanau Development Project piloted a devolved funding approach that involved the Ministry of Social Development providing funding and support for whanau, hapu, iwi and Maori…

Living with Disability in New Zealand

In 2001, Statistics New Zealand conducted two national disability surveys. The Household Disability Survey examined the day-to-day living arrangements and activity restrictions of 7256 adults and children…

Evaluating young children

Social Work Now, Issue 27, pages 19-24 Auckland Central, the first multi-agency service in New Zealand, referrals are received for assessment and therapy from social workers from…

Communication issues in care and protection cases

Social Work Now, Issue 27, pages 23-28 Sandra Porteous discusses effective communication and collaboration between lawyers and social workers in care and protection proceedings. This article is…