
668 results

Falls in advanced age: Findings from LiLACS NZ

Falls in advanced age: Findings from LiLACS NZ presents key findings about falls in the previous 12 months, injury and hospitalisation from falls, and physiotherapy use…

Tobacco Use 2012/13: New Zealand Health Survey

The tobacco use report presents key findings from the New Zealand Health Survey 2012/13 about tobacco use. It provides a snapshot of tobacco use by adults…

National Survey of Employers 2013/14

The NSE 2013/14 surveyed 1,043 New Zealand employers between November 2013 and March 2014. This is the second year where the respondent sample has been drawn…

Enabling Good Lives progress and evaluation reports

This report details the findings from an initial evaluation of the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) Demonstration in Christchurch. EGL is a new approach to supporting disabled people…

Review of Tobacco Control Services

New Zealand, tobacco use is the single largest cause of preventable death, and a major factor contributing to health inequality. Half of all long-term smokers die…

The Role of Health Workforce New Zealand

This report provides background and contextual information on Health Workforce New Zealand (HWNZ), and is a companion document to our first yearly update on The Health…