
2326 results

Young people’s exposure to onscreen smoking: In Fact

In 2012, the U.S. Surgeon General concluded that young people’s exposure to smoking depictions in movies can cause smoking initiation. Participants in the 2012 Youth Insights Survey…

The Well Child/Tamariki Ora Programme Quality Reviews

The Well Child / Tamariki Ora programme (WCTO) provides a universal health assessment, health promotion and support service for children and families/whānau from birth to five…

Hutt Valley Justice Sector Innovation Project

Better Public Services (BPS) is driving significant change across the public sector, providing clear focus, direction and mandate for more collective action focused on results. Continuing…

Pacific Health Workforce Service Forecast

This report considered ways to increase the number of Pacific peoples in the health workforce and improve outcomes for Pacific patients. It is one of a…