
777 results

Aspirations of rurally disadvantaged Maori youth for their transition from secondary school to further education or training and work

“He tini whetu ki te rangi, ko Ngati Maru ki raro He tini ika ki te moana, ko Ngati Maru ki uta”                                                                                                           .(Ngati Maru pepeha) This research looks…

Evaluating young children

Social Work Now, Issue 27, pages 19-24 Auckland Central, the first multi-agency service in New Zealand, referrals are received for assessment and therapy from social workers from…

Communication issues in care and protection cases

Social Work Now, Issue 27, pages 23-28 Sandra Porteous discusses effective communication and collaboration between lawyers and social workers in care and protection proceedings. This article is…

Refugee Voices: A journey towards resettlement

Refugee Voices reports the findings of a Department of Labour (DoL) research project that inquired into the resettlement experiences of refugees in New Zealand. The information…

Bilingual/Immersion Education: Indicators of Good Practice

Based on a review of national and international research on bilingualism and bilingual/immersion education, this report explores effective approaches for bilingual education. While the focus was…