
192 results

Pacific Health Workforce Service Forecast

This report considered ways to increase the number of Pacific peoples in the health workforce and improve outcomes for Pacific patients. It is one of a…

Pacific Families and Problem Debt

This research looks at how Pacific families manage their finances. The information can be used by government and providers as they design future initiatives with Pacific…

Families Panels: Genuine collaboration

In this paper we consider the innovative practice and relationship that underpins the Families Commission’s Families Panels. Our intention is to explore how a different, more…

Indicators of permanent migrants from the Pacific

Pacific people have a long history of settlement in New Zealand, with several waves of migration from various parts of the Pacific throughout the last century…

EAG working papers

The Children’s Commissioner established an Expert Advisory Group to deliver a significant research-based advocacy programme in 2011-12.  This group (the EAG) released a report: Solutions to…