
386 results

Race Relations in 2013

Race Relations in 2013 is the tenth annual review of race relations published by the Human Rights Commission. Documenting the main developments in race relations and…

Housing Pathways research series

The overall goal of the research is to develop an evidence base about how housing pathways and life circumstances influence outcomes for Housing New Zealand Corporation…

Residence regulatory inspection summary reports

Every year, internal auditors report on the care provided at Child, Youth and Family residences. The reports detail where we’re achieving a high standard, and more…

Justice Sector Report 2013

Public trust in our institutions and the law is essential to making society work effectively. We want a justice system that delivers the core results of…

Monitoring Human Rights in the Earthquake Recovery

Human rights don’t disappear the moment an earthquake, a hurricane or a tsunami strikes. We witnessed after the Indian Ocean tsunami, the earthquake in Haiti and…

National Cancer Programme: Work Plan 2013/14

The National Cancer Programme brings together the work of the Ministry of Health (the Ministry), district health boards (DHBs) and regional cancer networks to implement the…