
212 results

EAG working papers

The Children’s Commissioner established an Expert Advisory Group to deliver a significant research-based advocacy programme in 2011-12.  This group (the EAG) released a report: Solutions to…

Culture Segments New Zealand 2011

Culture Segments is a new, international, sector-specific segmentation system for arts, culture and heritage organisations designed by Morris Hargreaves McIntyre (MHM). The system uses data from…

New Zealanders and the arts 2011

This document is Creative New Zealand’s summary of findings from independent research in 2011 into New Zealanders’ attitudes to, attendance at and participation in the arts.

Community Sentence Patterns in New Zealand

Community Sentence Patterns in New Zealand (published April 2012) investigates the reasons why there are relatively high volumes of offenders on community sentences in New Zealand…

Partnerships with Māori: He Waka Whānui

Drawing from the Families Commission Act 2003 (Section 7), the Families Commission takes a strengths-based approach to the work informing its Whānau Strategic Framework. For example,…