
1016 results

Māori Smoking and Tobacco Use 2009

This profile provides key facts and information about Māori smoking and tobacco use compared to non-Māori. It presents data on daily smoking rates over time, current…

Evaluation of New Zealand Science Media Centre

As part of MoRST’s strategy, ‘Engaging New Zealanders with science and technology’, the Ministry established the SMC to "improve the breadth and depth of media coverage…

Kia Eke ki ngā Taumata, kia Pakari ngā Kaiako

Kia Eke ki ngā Taumata, kia Pakari ngā Kaiako - He Tirohanga Akoranga: An Exploration of In-Service Support and Professional Development Provision for Māori-Medium Teachers. Haemata Ltd…

Changing Pacific Households

This publication comprises two reports - Changing Pacific household composition and wellbeing 1981–2006 and A qualitative snapshot of household composition, wellbeing, parenting and economic decision-making among…