
718 results

Multi-Agency Liquor Enforcement study

This study, commissioned with funding from the Cross Departmental Research Pool, sought to test the effectiveness of targeted multi-agency enforcement at reducing the harm caused by…

Pathways to Inclusion Strategy Evaluation

The purpose of the evaluation report is to inform interested parties of the extent to which vocational service providers have aligned their service with the Pathways…

Mental health services for prisoners

Prisoners have a high need for mental health services. The Ministry of Health (the Ministry) estimates that prisoners are three times more likely to require access…

EM Bail evaluation

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of EM bail (electronic monitoring of defendants on pre-trial bail). The report was prepared by Duncan Consulting Services…

Early Childhood Oral Health

The key objective of this early childhood oral health toolkit is to suggest a strategy to improve early childhood oral health by identifying children at greatest…