
886 results

How Important is Culture? New Zealanders’ Views in 2008

How Important is Culture? New Zealanders’ Views in 2008 was commissioned to provide information about New Zealanders’ perceptions on the importance of culture and cultural activities.…

Health of Māori language

These reports provides an overview of the health of the Māori language in 2006, and makes some comparisons with the health of the Māori language in…

Ngā Wawata o Ngā Whānau Wharekura

This report is the outcome of a research project undertaken in response to widespread concerns about the educational programmes currently offered in many Māori medium secondary…

NEMP Music Assessment Results 2008

In 2008, the second year of the fourth cycle of national monitoring, three areas were assessed: music, aspects of technology, and reading and speaking. This report…