
246 results

Race Relations in 2012

New Zealand’s compliance with international human rights treaties was considered by two United Nations treaty bodies in 2012 – the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural…

Settlement Outcomes Migrant Partners NZ

Analysis of LisNZ data to date has primarily explored skilled principal migrants and their settlement and labour market outcomes. However, the settlement of family members and…

Crown Research Institutes: Results of the 2011/12 audits

Science and innovation are important to New Zealand's economic growth. The two high-level (government priority) outcomes that the science and innovation sector contributes to are "growing…

High-growth business in New Zealand

This research seeks to inform and stimulate discussion on high-growth business in New Zealand. It involved, firstly, reviewing published research and, secondly, examining the dynamics of…

CoREs and effect

This report analyses the performance of the Centres of Research Excellence (CoREs) across five dimensions – the impact of the CoRE’s on the New Zealand economy…