
909 results

Teacher Loss Rates

These reports outline trends in teacher numbers, teacher loss rates and reasons for teacher losses. They are produced annually by the Demographic & Statistical Analysis Unit…

Mortality and Demographic Data 2008

Annual statistical publication that collates and analyses information on the underlying causes of all deaths registered in New Zealand. The commentary summarises key facts, mortality rates,…

Whānau Ora: Transforming our futures

This booklet looks at Whānau Ora – an approach that empowers New Zealand whānau to transform their futures by taking control of their lives. Introduced in 2010,…

New Zealand Maternity Standards

The development of the New Zealand Maternity Standards is part of the Maternity Quality Initiative.The Maternity Quality Initiative is made up of: a national Quality and…

Perceived access to tobacco: In Fact

In 2010, around seven in 10 (69%) young people thought they definitely could not get cigarettes/tobacco from anyone in their family/whānau or from their home if…