
909 results

Alcohol Use and Maori Young People

This fact sheet presents findings about alcohol use among young Māori attending secondary schools in New Zealand. These findings were drawn from a large national survey that investigated…

NEMP Writing, Reading and Mathematics Report 2010

In 2010 the National Education Monitoring Project (NEMP) examined what a nationally representative sample of New Zealand students in year 4 and year 8 know and…

Fetal and Infant Deaths 2007

The purpose of the Fetal and Infant Deaths publication series is to inform discussion and assist in future policy development. Readership of this publication is wide-ranging…

Hospital-based Maternity Events 2007

This report is the third in a series of on-line publications reporting on hospital maternity data as recorded in the National Minimum Dataset. The publication includes…

Canterbury Youth Quake Consultation (2010)

This report provides an analysis of the findings from a survey and forum with young people in response to the Canterbury earthquake.  The report is intended…