
1189 results

Military-style Activity Camp (MAC) Programme Snapshot

This snapshot outlines the findings from an evaluation of the Military-style Activity Camp (MAC) programme undertaken by the Knowledge & Insights Group, Ministry of Social Development.The…

Productivity by the numbers: The New Zealand experience

This Commission Research Paper provides an assessment of New Zealand’s productivity performance for the whole economy, for individual industries and compared to other OECD countries. The research shows that New…

Medical Oncology National Implementation Plan 2013/14

The Medical Oncology Implementation Plan 2013/14 comprises three work programmes: service configuration, workforce and service quality. The plan outlines activities for the 2013/14 financial year. While…

Injury-related Health Loss

Injury-related Health Loss is a joint report from the Ministry of Health and the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). The report presents the injury-related findings from the…