
740 results

The Burden of Cancer: New Zealand 2006

The report presents estimates of the burden of 28 different cancers in 2006, denominated in Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs). The total burden of cancer was estimated…

The right of people with disabilities to be parents

Social Work Now, Issue 46, pages 25-28. Article 23 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, to which New Zealand became a signatory…

Career Futures for Pacific Peoples

This report, developed by the Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs and the Department of Labour, looks at occupations and industries with the highest future growth forecast,…

Pacific Pathways to Prevention of Sexual Violence

This multi-ethnic (Samoan, Cook Island, Tonga, Niue, Fiji, Tokelau and Tuvalu) research project discusses ethnic-specific Pacific views of sexual violence, including protective and risk factors. The project analyses the extent to which traditional Pacific cultural…

Parental influence on children's smoking: In Fact

In the Health Sponsorship Council’s (HSC’s) 2008 Health and Lifestyles Survey (HLS), respondents were asked a series of questions to assess their perceptions of parental influence…