
1356 results

National problem gambling effectiveness studies-36 month outcomes

The two studies reported here are three year extensions of previously reported studies: National Problem Gambling Intervention Effectiveness Effectiveness of problem gambling brief telephone interventions These studies investigated the effectiveness…

Children's Media Use Research

Our lives are now awash with media. Consequently our children are exposed to, or can potentially access more content, from a wider range of media, on…

Analysis of Household Crowding based on Census 2013 data

Household crowding is linked to a number of health conditions, including rheumatic fever, meningococcal disease, respiratory infections including pneumonia and skin infections (eg, cellulitis), as well…

Tobacco Use 2012/13: New Zealand Health Survey

The tobacco use report presents key findings from the New Zealand Health Survey 2012/13 about tobacco use. It provides a snapshot of tobacco use by adults…