
475 results

Youth Participation Case Studies DVD

The Youth Participation Videos DVD profiles youth participation projects from around New Zealand that have been supported by the Ministry of Youth Development (MYD). The Ministry is…

Local Content Report 2008

Since 1989 NZ On Air has measured local free-to-air television content. The Local Content Report compares the schedules of the four national free-to-air channels in 2012…

Business Attitudes to Tackling Family Violence

In September 2008, the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) commissioned Senate to conduct interviews of 10 chief executives of large businesses operating in New Zealand to…

NEMP Technology Assessment Results 2008

In 2008, the second year of the fourth cycle of national monitoring, three areas were assessed: music, aspects of technology, and reading and speaking. This report…

Effective Pedagogy in Social Sciences: Tikanga ā Iwi: BES

This work is part of the Ministry of Education’s Iterative Best Evidence Synthesis (BES)Programme. This programme aims to systematically identify, evaluate, analyse, synthesise, and make accessible,…