
1016 results

Every Māori Counts

Why do Māori leave New Zealand and move to another country to live? Which countries do they settle in and why? How are they faring in…

Mātātuhi Tuawhenua: Health of Rūral Māori 2012

This report, Mātātuhi Tuawhenua: Health of Rural Māori 2012, provides a snapshot of the health of Māori and non-Māori living in rural and urban areas.  Comparisons…

KiwiSport in Schools

KiwiSport is a government initiative established in 2009 to increase opportunities for school-aged children to participate in organised sport. This report presents the findings of a…

Early Start Evaluation Report

Early Start is an evidence-based, early intervention programme developed by Professor David Fergusson, from the Christchurch School of Medicine, in conjunction with local social service providers…

Schools’ Provisions for International Students

This evaluation looked at how effectively schools provide for the needs of their international students. The findings showed that the majority of schools reviewed were effective…

Families Panels: Genuine collaboration

In this paper we consider the innovative practice and relationship that underpins the Families Commission’s Families Panels. Our intention is to explore how a different, more…