
507 results

A profile of temporary workers and their employment outcomes

This paper describes the characteristics, jobs, employment patterns and employment outcomes of temporary workers, using data collected in Statistics New Zealand’s Survey of Working Life 2008. Approximately…

Kiwi Lives 2 post-campaign survey

Stage two of the Kiwi Lives programme uses television advertisements to tell three real-life stories that show the devastating impact of gambling on an individual and…

Māori Housing Trends 2009

The purpose of this report is to provide an evidence base to inform the development of Māori housing policy. This report provides an overview of Māori…

Longitudinal Immigration Survey for New Zealand

The primary objective of the Longitudinal Immigration Survey: New Zealand (LisNZ) is to provide comprehensive data about the settlement experiences of migrants in their first three…

Portable Storage Device Survey Report 2009

Many government departments risk accidentally disclosing sensitive personal information because of poor controls on staff use of 'portable storage devices' (PSDs) such as USB memory sticks,…