
424 results

Issues Paper 02: Supporting Young People's Relationships

Parents and caregivers have far more influence than they might think on how young people develop and conduct their relationships. The Families Commission’s Supporting Young People’s Relationships…

The Status of Women in New Zealand, CEDAW Reports

New Zealand’s reports on the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Ministry of Women's Affairs.

Human Rights in New Zealand 2010

Human Rights in New Zealand 2010 maps how well human rights are promoted, protected and implemented in New Zealand. This is the second comprehensive report undertaken by…

The Social Report 2010

This site provides social indicators for New Zealand society. The indicators are used to measure social outcomes and monitor trends over time, and to make comparisons…

Māori Smoking and Tobacco Use 2009

This profile provides key facts and information about Māori smoking and tobacco use compared to non-Māori. It presents data on daily smoking rates over time, current…

Kia Eke ki ngā Taumata, kia Pakari ngā Kaiako

Kia Eke ki ngā Taumata, kia Pakari ngā Kaiako - He Tirohanga Akoranga: An Exploration of In-Service Support and Professional Development Provision for Māori-Medium Teachers. Haemata Ltd…

Mothers’ labour force participation

Analysis of comparative data from both the 2001 and 2006 Census of Population and Dwellings on mothers’ labour force participation, 2009.