
326 results

Māori in Australia

This report uses data from a survey and interviews completed in 2006 by more than 1200 Māori across Australia. The Trans-Tasman flow of people, money, ideas…

Achievement at Māori Immersion and Bilingual Schools

The achievement patterns of candidates involved in Māori-medium education, and whether they differ from the general population, are of interest to many groups, including school communities…

Race Relations in 2006

This report is part of the Human Rights Commission’s contribution to the New Zealand Diversity Action Programme for 2007.

Ngā Kāwai: Implementing Whakatātaka 2002 - 2005

He Korowai Oranga and Whakatātaka have established a firm foundation for the health and disability sector to work towards improving Māori health outcomes, supporting whānau ora…

Bilingual Education in Aotearoa/New Zealand

In 2004, researchers from the University of Waikato, led by Professor Stephen May, who is an international authority on bilingual education, looked at the national and…