
535 results

School's out - what next?

This study looked at the destinations of young New Zealanders after they left school.  It considered the likelihood of a student choosing a destination from a…

Doing a bachelors degree

This paper looks at differences in the performance of young people who leave school and progress on to bachelors degree study. It compares the performance of…

Evaluation of the Māori Oral Health Providers Project

In 2007 five Māori health providers received one-off Ministry funding to purchase their capital requirements to deliver oral health services (the Project). Four providers built Mobile…

Uia Tonutia: Māori Disability Research Agenda

The Māori Disability Research Agenda aims to support research on Māori living with disability and their whānau/family. It has three objectives: Building quality evidence. Capability development. Transfer of knowledge. Research…