
331 results

NEMP Reading and Speaking Assessment Results 2008

In 2008, the second year of the fourth cycle of national monitoring, three areas were assessed: music, aspects of technology, and reading and speaking. This report…

The Quality of Teaching in Kura Māori

This report presents the findings from an Education Review Office (ERO) evaluation of the quality of teaching in kura Māori. The Ministry of Education asked ERO…

State of Education in New Zealand

This report presents a picture of New Zealand’s education system with indicators on participation, achievement, effective teaching, labour market outcomes and resourcing across the early childhood,…

Effective Pedagogy in Social Sciences: Tikanga ā Iwi: BES

This work is part of the Ministry of Education’s Iterative Best Evidence Synthesis (BES)Programme. This programme aims to systematically identify, evaluate, analyse, synthesise, and make accessible,…

An Evaluation of the Resource Teachers: Māori Service

ERO undertook this evaluation of the Resource Teachers: Māori (RTM) service following a request from the Ministry of Education for information to inform future policy decisions.…